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Free Resources | Fitness E-Books

Check out these FREE Resources to help you get started on your fitness journey. These helpful fitness E-Books are written by Certified Personal Trainers and are completely FREE! Download one now!

Morning Exercises

Put the coffee down, there’s a new guy in town! These three morning movements will give you the jolt of energy you’ve been craving each morning.

You’ll Find Helpful Tips Like:

  • 3 key energy-boosting morning exercises.
  • Easy to understand demonstration videos.
  • Benefits of early movement.

20 Best Tips for Gym Newbies

Are you ready to head into the gym for the first time? Whether you’re a first time gym noob or looking to get back in the swing of things, this is the perfect place to start your fitness journey.

You’ll Find Helpful Tips Like:

  • How to make a plan, and stick to it!
  • What attire to wear.
  • What fads to skip.
  • How much cardio is too much cardio?
  • And so much more!!!

12 Healthy Dessert Recipes

Finally, a way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sacrificing all of your hard work in the club. Our 12 Healthy Dessert Recipes will help you indulge in your craving for desserts, so there’s no need to feel guilty afterward.

These desserts are so healthy because they contain ingredients like:

  • Protein
  • Healthy Dark Chocolate
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Almond Milk
  • All with very little added sugar!

5K Training Plan

Running 3.1 miles can feel daunting… especially if you’ve never done it before. Your new 5K Training Plan has made it super simple. Each day for the next six weeks you’ll know just what to do to make it to that finish line.

Here is a sneak peek at what’s inside:

  • Printable 6-week training calendar
  • Weightlifting workouts
  • Interval and hill training workouts
  • and SO much more!